Study of Texture Weakening of Commercially Pure Copper Processed by Multiple Compressions in a Channel Die

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Texture evolution of commercially pure copper processed by multiple compressions in a channel die was investigated and interpreted by the use of continuity equation for the crystallographic orientation distribution function (ODF), which is considered as a kind of conservation law in the crystal orientation (Euler angle) space. The specimen has been subjected to multiple compressions in a channel die up to six passes, and its bulk texture after even passes of the process were measured by x-ray diffraction. Based on these experiments, it was found that during the multiple compressions in a channel die, Beta fiber strengthens at the beginning of the process and then weakens. The Cube component is observed in the texture of processed specimens, while Goss component is missing. Calculation of the texture index shows that the overall texture strength decreases during multiple compressions in a channel die. Deformation of each pass during the process is assumed to be analogous to that of flat rolling. After each pass of the process, the sample is rotated around two mutually perpendicular directions. The ODF of the processed sample during each pass of compression was predicted analytically as a function of the initial ODF and crystallographic rotation speed in the Euler angle space. Based on the predicted analytical function of ODF, the locations of the stable texture components and the evolution of texture can be estimated. After each pass of the process, as mentioned above, the specimen is rotated, therefore, the texture of the specimen with respect to this new sample frame should be considered as the initial texture for the subsequent pass of the process. Using the analytical function of ODF during each pass, texture evolution and stable texture components can be estimated during this new pass. Following the aforementioned stages, texture evolution during multiple compressions in a channel die was predicted, and a good agreement with experimentally determined texture evolution was obtained.


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