Locally Lateral Upsetting of Metal Rods: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Verification

Document Type : Research Paper


Mechanical Engineering Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


This paper investigates the locally lateral upsetting process of the metal through an analytical and experimental approach. A mathematical model is proposed to calculate the variation in the width of the contact area between the rod and the cylindrical-shaped dies. Additionally, the upsetting load curve is estimated using the slab analysis method. To validate the analytical model, multiple experiments were conducted using aluminum and copper rods. The process was further simulated using DEFORM 3D software. Finally, the influence of key parameters, including the initial rod diameter, rod material, and die diameter on the contact width and upsetting load was analyzed, and compared across different methods. The results show a strong correlation between analytical, experimental, and finite element (FE) data, demonstrating the proposed analytical method is an efficient tool for designing and optimizing the locally lateral upsetting process, reducing both time and cost.


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