aim &scope
The aims of the Journal are the publication and the dissemination of original research in the field of material forming, shaping and material workability.
The Iranian Journal of Materials Forming covers all forming processes, including sheet forming, bulk forming, powder forming, forming in melt or near-melt conditions (casting, injection, extrusion, film blowing etc.), machining and cutting technologies, non-traditional processes such as abrasive jet, laser or ultrasonic abrasion, rapid prototyping and rapid tooling, micro-forming, hydro-forming, thermo-forming, incremental forming, workability and formability of all materials etc. The contributions in the field of tools design, manufacturing and control, process chains, virtual manufacturing and quality assurance in material forming are also welcome.
All materials will be considered, including metals, ceramics, polymers, fiber reinforced materials, composites, glass, wood, biomaterials, nano-materials, shape memory alloys etc.
The Journal is pleased to receive papers from engineers and scientists from academic and industrial areas using all kinds of approaches: micro-macro modeling, thermo-mechanical modeling, numerical simulation including new and advanced numerical strategies, experimental analysis, inverse identification, optimization, designing and monitoring of the processes and metal forming and shaping machines, wear and friction, mechanical behavior and formability of the materials etc.
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