Peer Review Process

Iranian Journal of Materials Forming (IJMF) is committed to providing rapid editorial decisions and publication, and it is believed that an efficient editorial process is a valuable service both to the authors and to the scientific community. This journal conducts a single-blind review process. Once a paper is submitted online, the manuscript will be initially assessed by the editor regarding its suitability for the journal and is also checked for any cases of plagiarism. After the primary screening, the paper will be sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess its scientific quality. The reviewers are asked to provide a report promptly, ideally within 15 days of receiving a manuscript, but this may be extended by prior arrangements. If referees anticipate a delay, they should inform the Editorial Board Member and the publishing office so the editor can keep the authors informed and, where necessary, find alternative referees. At the revision stage, the author should prepare a file and a “Detailed Responses to the reviewers’ comments” as a response to the itemized comments given by the reviewers. The file also includes a suitable rebuttal to any specific requests for change that have not been made. Having been revised by the author, the whole folder is sent to the final referee for exact evaluation.

In line with the transparency in the journal’s policy, in the following, we wish to inform authors about the dates assigned to each manuscript in the peer-review process.

Received: The date that the author completes manuscript submission.

Reviewed: The date that the author is informed by the referee’s decision.

Revised: The date that the author submits the revised version of the manuscript.

Accepted: The date that the Editor-in-Chief accepts the manuscript.